It will become difficult for you to live. وسوف تصبح من الصعب عليك أن تعيش.
But as you are undoubtedly aware it's become difficult to locate a secure broadcast position. أصبح من الصعب تحديد مكان آمن للإرسال
It would've become difficult for me to Leave home. ولمنعت من الخروج من البيت
"..or it will become difficult for you to live." "وإلا ستكون حياتكم صعبة"
When the wall fell, it became difficult to hold on to my convictions. ولكن بعد سقوط جدار برلين اصبح من الصعب التمسك بالقيم الشيوعية
It's become difficult to breathe in here. أصبح التنفس هنا صعب
Became difficult for, uh,the other party to control their emotions in the workplace setting. اصبح من الصعب على الطرف الأخر أن يسيطر على مشاعره في مكان العمل
He took pride in challenging party leadership and establishment forces, becoming difficult to categorize politically. حيث اشتهر بتحدي قيادة الحزب والمؤسسات الحاكمة، وصار من الصعب تصنيفه سياسياً.
Living in Japan became difficult for other Westerners. You were constantly under the supervision of police. ( لقد أصـبـحـت الـحـيـاه فـى ( الـيـابـان أكثـر صعوبه عـلى رعايا الدول الغربيه
Yoma that have lived a long time have an increased appetite become slier and become difficult to deal with. يوما" عاش فترة طويلة و له شهية متزايدة" ... أصبحماكر...